After marching from Lahore to Islamabad in 3 hours Tahir-ul-Qadri has put forth his demands for the sit-down and has announced that he and his supporters will remain in Islamabad until the following demands are met.
List of his demands-
1. Prime-minister Nawaz Sharief and his ministers must resign and be arrested and investigated.
2. Current assemblies are un-constitutional and must be dissolved as most of the members are tax evaders.
3. After the dissolution of the Assemblies a national government must made which should cunduct national reforms.
4. Every one who is involved in corruption in the country must be strictly investigated
5. National government must provide rights to the poor people of the country and homeless people should be provided homes and a 25 years interest free loan must be given.
6. Every person must be given bread, clothing, and house.
7. Anyone who does not have money for healthcare government should provide him the necessary healthcare.
8. To eradicate illiteracy from the country all children should be given free education and programs for Adult Education must also be started.
9. Those who do not have resources must be given utilities at half price and low income households must be exampt of tax on electricity and gas bills.
10. Women should be provided with home-based (Cottage) Industries.
11. Difference in the salaries of different scales must be rationalized so that social differences may be eradicated.
12. Terrorism must be abolished constitution should be amended to include a clause that no faction of religion should declare other faction a “Kafir” non-believer. Peace centers must be established and textbooks should contain “Peace & Tollerance” as a subject.
13. Minorities must be given equal rights.
14 In comparison to other countries more provinces must be created Including Hazara & Gilgit Baltistan.
15. Local bodies District governments should be created so that citizens problems can be solved at their doorsteps.
16. He said that only 5 people make decisions of all the people of Pakistan which are the Prime minister, and 4 chief ministers, he said thru National government 1 million people will be Included.
17. No corrupt man should be seated on any government job, here the people in power do not get punishment and poors have to suffer the Jails.
18. Villages must be given development in line witht he urban areas.
19. All government offices must be made non-political and balanced and all departments must be non-political.