The free style polo game have been practicing for the centuries between the traditional rival teams of Gilgit and Chitral each summer month of July on the Shandur pass (3734 meters) the highest polo field in the world.its believed that chitral was the birth place of Polo.
Good Luck Chitral and Gilgit ! polo festival 2009 starts tomorrow!
Enigma – Club Dance Mix
Polo in Afghanistan was introduced by the British from Manipur. This is not the true polo country. If visitors want to see the original polo come to Manipur, the 3000 yrs champion of this game. Polo is an inseparable part of the Manipuri religion.
what is the piece of music called?
ooh i love watching a polo match between chitral and Gilgit, but rest of the polo teams are boring. i think Prince charles’ favourite team is Gilgit.
By the way Chitral wears red while Gilgit wears either blue or green
the ancient persian played a game with a slughtered goat or sheep, which is still played in afghanistan and pakistan and its called ” Buz Kashi” not Polo.
people in other countries cant differentitate between Polo and “Buz Kashi”.
Polo was originated in Chitral (Pakistan) and “Buz Kashi” in persia.
i love polo game
It’s hard to say because there are so many Pushto spekers in Lower Chitral now and much of the infrastructure is merged with Frontier. Greater Chitral in fact ruled much of Gilgit and that’s why there are so many Khowar speakers in Gilgit. It would have to be a decision of the locals but my feeling is that they feel closer to Frontier than Gilgit now. I’ve heard many Chitralis speak negatively of Gilgitis which is misguided.
Do not you think, chitral?s natural affiliation is with gilgit and hunza. Should?nt they be given the right to affiliate themselves with whom they are actuall share alot, much more that just polo.
Who cares who invented what, the thing is where is it available now , and it is in shandoor.
I suppose you’re not Pakistani but in fact Chitral was merged into the Frontier Province in 1971. Mush of Lower Chitral has large numbers of Pashto speakers who have moved in, particularly the Drosh area. Although Chitralis are majority Khowar speakers it is very much a part of Frontier now and many Chitralis are fluent Pashto speakers.
o and by the way, sure chitralis and pakistanis play polo alot, but it was originally invented by the ancient persians
lol chitral is not in the frontier -.-
I love Pakistan. What a place?! :D
Exciting. This reminds me of my childhood days when we routinely watched polo matches in our village jinali but alas there is none now. We are losing a great game as horse keeping has now become rare.
You are very right. Recently Chitral’s literacy rate ranked fourth in Frontier province which is great considering it is a remote area in Pakistan. Moreover despite its remoteness, its people are now better connected to the rest of the country and outside world.
We are opening in polo club in Portland, Oregon in the USA and this was incredbile to watch. To see the history of the sport and how it is played in other parts of the world (and where it has been played for so long) is incredible. Thank you so much for providing this glimpse into this world, people and culture.
wonderful. thanks for nice clips and video. chitrali people are the most civilized on earth.
Yea it great to be there during the festival!
Amazing, this video reminded me the thrill of watching the wild polo at this worlds highest pologround at Shandoor Chitral
cool clip n the music is cool2