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Kapitel: Sumer, Luftverschmutzung, Indus-Kultur, Feuer, Osterinsel, Bergbau, El Ni?o, Bew?sserung, Rodung, Braunkohle, Folgen Der Globalen Erw?rmung, Wiesenbew?sserung, Umwelt, Moorkolonisierung, Geschichte Der Windenergienutzung, Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltbewegung, Lohhecke, Smog, Anasazi, Umweltsoziologie, Wasserrecht, Aufforstung, Dominium Terrae, J?rgen Christian Findorff, Rodungsname, Technikethik, Versalzung, Moorkultivierung, Naturbeherrschung, Mechanisierung Der Landwirtschaft, Joachim Radkau, Columbian Exchange, ?berweidung, Hermann Friedrich Becker, Soziale ?kologie, Feenkreis, Gesellschaftliche Naturverh?ltnisse, Homo Faber, Urbarmachung, Ian G. Simmons, Donald Worster, Landesausbau. Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: El Ni?o/La Ni?a-Southern Oscillation, or ENSO, is a climate pattern that occurs across the tropical Pacific Ocean on average every five years, but over a period which varies from three to seven years, and is therefore, widely and significantly, known as “quasi-periodic”. ENSO is best-known for its association with floods, droughts and other weather disturbances in many regions of the world, which vary with each event. Developing countries dependent upon agriculture and fishing, particularly those bordering the Pacific Ocean, are the most affected. ENSO is composed of two components: an ocean temperature component, called El Ni?o (or La Ni?a, in the cooling phase), which is characterized by warming or cooling of surface waters in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean, and an ocean atmosphere component, the Southern Oscillation, which is characterized by changes in air surface pressure in the tropical western Pacific. The two components are coupled: when the warm oceanic phase (known as El Ni?o) accompanies high air surface pressure (known as Southern Oscillation) in the west Pacific, or when the cold phase (La Ni?a) accompanies low air surface pressure (also Southern Oscillation) in the west Pacific. M…
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