Maulana Nauman Naeem
In Quraan Allah says: “Glorified is He who took His special servant from Masjid Haram to Masjid al-Aqsa in the night, the mosque around which We have blessed, so that We may show him Our signs. If it is around the mosque, then it is blessed in this sense”. The land of Palestine is a very blessed and respected place, it has been the source and source of heavenly messages and messengers, many prophets and messengers have come to this land, this is the land from which the Ascension begins and ends, it is the gate of heaven, it is The land is also blessed. Allah Almighty has made the land of Palestine a good and blessed land.
The Lord said: And those who were considered weak, We made them inheritors of the east and the west of the land on which We had blessed, and the good word of your Lord concerning the children of Israel was fulfilled, because they had worked patiently, and whatever Pharaoh and his people had been doing, We met them all. (That) We have blessed in it for all the people of the world. (Surah Al-Anbiya: 71) Translation: And We made the strong wind subject to Sulaiman (a.s.), which moved by his command towards the land in which We have blessed, and We have full knowledge of everything. (Surat al-Anbiya: 81)
(Translation) And We placed between them and the settlements on which We have blessed, settlements that could be seen from afar, and We divided the journey in them into small stages and said: Be it night or day between them (the settlements), travel with peace and security.
Bait-ul-Maqdis is the holy place which is blessed for Muslims, Christians and Jews alike, it is here that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) traveled to the upper world on the occasion of Night of Ascension. The Messenger of Allah (?) prayed facing this direction for more than sixteen months after Prophethood, so this is the first Qibla of Muslims. Hadrat Salih (AS), Hazrat Yaqub (AS), Hazrat Dawood (AS), Hazrat Solomon (AS), Hazrat Musa (AS), Hazrat Zakaria (AS), Hazrat Yahya (AS), Hazrat Christ (AS) and many other Prophets (AS) are related to this blessed place. There are different areas in the vicinity of the city of Bait al-Maqdis, which are attributed to different prophets, that is why this city and this mosque have a special importance in the eyes of Islam.
A companion asked the Messenger of Allah (?) about Bait al-Maqdis, and he (?) said: “This is the land of destruction and destruction. Yes, those Companions inquired: What if I do not have the ability to go there? He (peace be upon him) said: At least send an offering of oil, which will be used in the lamp there. (Ibn Majah)
It was narrated on the authority of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar that he said: When Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S.) finished building the Holy Temple, he prayed to Allah Almighty. One of his prayers was for a government that no one after him would be able to achieve. There was also a supplication that whoever came to this mosque only for prayer, his sins would be forgiven as if he had been born from his mother’s womb today. became popular and I hope that this third dua, which was about forgiveness, would also be popular. (Ibn Majah) And this hadith is included in several books of hadith that the Prophet ? said that it is correct to travel to three mosques in particular, Masjid al-Haram, Masjid al-Nabawi and Masjid al-Aqsa. (Ibn Majah) Therefore, Muslims has always had a heart and emotional connection with this holy and blessed place.
The holy land means “pure land”. Raghib says: Bait al-Maqdis: that is, it is free from the impurity of polytheism and disbelief. It is narrated from Hazrat Qatadah: It means the country of Syria. Ibn Asaqir narrated from Muadh bin Jabal that the holy land is called the land from Arish to the Euphrates. The land of Palestine is called the “Holy Land” only in one place in the Holy Qur’an, Allah Almighty says: O my people! Enter the holy land that Allah has written for you, and do not turn back on your back, otherwise you will turn back and become destitute. (Surah al-Maidah: 21)
Allah the Most High has also called the land of Palestine “the Land of Mahshar”, the saying is the Most High: He is the One who expelled the disbelieving people from among the People of the Book at the time of the first gathering. “The first doom” refers to the gathering of these Jews in the country of Syria, at the time when the Prophet ? exiled the Banu Nazir from the land of Madinah. The exile took place in the land of Syria. Ibn Zayd says: “Awal Hashr” refers to the land of Syria. It is narrated in many traditions from Ibn Abbas, he says: Whoever doubts that the land of Mahshar means the land of Syria. It is evening, he should read this verse, then the Prophet (?) mentioned this verse.
In the Holy Qur’an, the land of Palestine is mentioned in many places without any adjective. And We decreed to the children of Israel in the Book that without a doubt you will make mischief in the land twice and you will certainly make a great ascent. (Surat al-Israa: 4) Shukani has said in the commentary of this verse that here in this verse the land of Syria and Bait al-Maqdis are meant. They will be servants. (Surat al-Anbiya: 105) It was narrated from Ibn Abbas that here is the land of Syria and Palestine from the Holy Land, the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH) will be the heir.
The Lord Almighty said: And We settled the Children of Israel in a place worthy of dwelling in the true sense, and provided them with pure things, then they did not differ (about the religion of truth) until they The knowledge did not come to him. Be sure that your Lord will decide on the matters in which they differed on the Day of Judgment.
The Holy Qur’an also mentions some areas of the land of Palestine: And We made a sign for the son of Mary and his mother, and sheltered them both in a high place that was a quiet place and where there was clean water. (Surat al-Mu’minun: 50) Ibn Jarir narrated that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Here, “Rabwah” means “Ramlah”. “” refers to the territory of Palestine. Qatadah, Ka’b and Abul Aaliya say: This means Bait al-Maqdis.
(Translation) So she became pregnant, then she separated from him in a distant place (i.e. the forest). Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: He went to the Valley of Al-Aqsa, and this is Bethlehem, and there is a distance of four miles between it and “Eliya”, and “Eliya” and “Bait al-Maqdis” are the same name. .
The Lord’s statement is: And (remember that time) when We said: Enter this town and eat to your heart’s content wherever you like, and enter the gate (of the town) with bowed heads and say: (O Allah). (We seek Your forgiveness (thus) We will forgive your sins and give more (reward) to those who do good. Jamhur Ulama says that here “Qariyyah” and “Village” refer to Bait al-Maqdis. Narrated by Ibn Abbas: Here, “Bab” refers to the “Bab Al-Hatta” of Bait Al-Maqdis.
In Surat al-Baqarah 259, Allah says (you) (considered) a person like him, who passed a time in a village when he fell on the roofs. Qurtubi mentioned that he means Wahib. According to Ibn Munba and Qatadah etc., Bait al-Maqdis is, at the time when Allah the Exalted made them evacuate from Bait al-Maqdis by Bakht Nasr, it was the governor of Iraq, Shoukani and Jamhoor are also convinced of the same.
(Translation) When Talut left with the army, he said (to the army) that Allah is going to test you through a river (Al-Baqarah: 249). is the river of, Shukani has narrated from Ibn Abbas that this is the Jordan River, it has also been narrated from Ibn Abbas that it refers to the Palestine River.
(Translation) Until when they came to the valley of ants, an ant said, O ant, you enter, in your houses (burrows) do not disturb you (anywhere) Solomon and his army while they are not conscious. (Surat al-Naml: 18) Imam Razi says: This “Wadi al-Naml” refers to “Wadi Sham”, where there are many ants, it is located in the neighborhood of “Asqlani” valley.
This land, whose sanctity and blessings have been mentioned repeatedly in the Holy Qur’an, and whose inheritance has been mentioned by the Muslims in the Holy Qur’an, is considered very blessed and sacred by the Muslims here, so Muslims should consider this holy land. And there has always been a heartfelt and emotional connection to the blessed place. Before Islam, this city was repeatedly raided, especially in the 6th century BC, the ruler of Babylon, Bakht Nasr, destroyed the city and its holy places brick by brick and took one hundred thousand Jews captive to Babylon. It is one of the most important events in history, the Jews who consider themselves the true heirs of the city, ruled the city for only a few years.
During the reign of Hazrat Umar, the area of ??Bait-ul-Maqdis was conquered by Hazrat Amro bin Al-As and Hazrat Abu Ubaidah, the Muslims wanted that there would be no bloodshed in the city and that there was peace. Hazrat Umar accepted it and made Hazrat Ali his representative in Madinah and came to Bait Al-Maqdis. The Islamic army welcomed Hazrat Umar at a place called ‘Jabiyyah’ before Bait Al-Maqdis. Christian leaders also came there. The peace agreement was written, under this agreement, the life and property of the Christians, religious places, idols of Christ, etc. were guaranteed, but the Christians did not want to live with the Jews. He also accepted and a separate population of Jews was created.
It is a pity that the unclean Jews are occupying this holy and pure land and are inflicting the worst atrocities on the Muslims. Muslims should understand its sanctity and make every effort to restore Bait-ul-Maqdis, it is undoubtedly a religious duty.
Even today, we reiterate our position that we are with our Palestinian brothers, the Palestinian Mujahideen’s attack on Israel is a historic success and a historic battle to liberate our territories from the occupation of Israel. Not a major force, but exaggerated. An independent Palestinian state should be established under the pre-1967 borders with Al-Quds as its capital.
Undoubtedly, this is the only viable solution to the Palestine conflict, but despite the global consensus on it decades ago, its avoidance is the result of the hypocritical attitudes of some major powers. Peace is the need of the whole world and for this a just solution of the Palestinian conflict is indispensable. The United Nations should fulfill its duty and hand over Jerusalem to the Muslims by implementing the resolutions of 1967, the land of Palestine, Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem The struggle for freedom is the religious and collective duty of the Muslim Ummah. There is a need for the whole Muslim Ummah to become a leaden wall by showing its unity and agreement for the recovery of Bait al-Maqdis.
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