Hunza is a remote feudal community lost in the backdrop of the Himalyas. On the old caravan route from India to Tibet and on to Cathay – taxes being levied on these travellers. Many of the locals are descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the Great. Marco Polo would have travelled this way on his journeys of exploration.This film, made in the 60s shows Hunza as almost a “closed” community with little or no crime, no need for money, no shops, no hotels – is this still the same now?
this video is wrong. there is no connection between greeks/macedonians and the hunza
the karakoram mountain range is the beginning of the himalaya
It is not Himalayas Dummy.
Hunza is in the KARAKORAMS.
That is how accurate yo are. Check your facts before you open your trap.
A wonderful film. I’ve always been fascinated by Hunza and would love to visit it some day. Thank you very much for the posting.
no doubt simply the best…a great piece of work…proud to be my ancestors…they are brave, hard workers, loving, caring, and humble people… i was so impressed by this person, i have no words just thumb up for this person’s outstanding piece of work…
Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of treasure. What a shame it is paradise lost, we have a lot to learn from their old humble yet fully functional ways of living. No crime, all sharing the fruits of their labour and so on just beautiful living
Dear leighammanor
it was nice to see such a rare video on your channel. I m from hunza and things have changed over here now after completion of KKH. But to some extent we are still closed community under a continuous bombardment of globalization.
This peace of video was fantastic and interesting to me. If you are kind enough to let me know where i can get whole video. if it is impossible let me know with the names of the team who worked on this documentary.
thanks and regards
nice movie
Great addupp.
“This film, made in the 60s shows Hunza as almost a “closed” community with little or no crime, no need for money, no shops, no hotels – is this still the same now? ”
ummmm, no.
Would be better if u check out some latest traveljournals.