This silent educational film shows rural life in the mountainous valley near Gilgit – now in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. There is footage of fertility rites performed by the Mir and scenes of the daily life of the locals; this includes the production of apricot wine which is lovingly called ‘Hunza water’. (Mansur Quraishi) You can watch almost 1000 other complete films and TV programmes from the BFI National Archive free of charge at the new BFI Mediatheque –
You are Albanian Ilirian, no maqedonian and Slavic
…..and the hard work of the people Bravo to our great ancestors,making the uninhabitable land fertile, with the most natrually growing fruits, abundant and rich in flavour. In recent times we are grateful and blessed by our spiritual Imam leading us and investing time and resources.
Up until even the late 70’s Hunza was cut off from the rest of the world and travel to and out was restricted. I hope we can safeguard our true identity and preserve cultural monuments.
I am a Canadian, from Hunza origin. This video is truley priceless for Hunzukutz globally as they can learn and know their true and unique heritage. For decades foreigners have been intrigued by this remote part of the world. Most notably Alexander,Marco Polo, James Hilton. They believed that the fountain of youth and the Garden of Eden existed within these mighty mountain ranges in the form of clusters of valleys. Nothing is sunstantiated, but the valley being 7000 ft above sea level
Brother say talibans not Pathans. I love the Northern Areas of Pakistan; I adore it.
You people are great !
Shahzad Khan
yah, it really is superb. The man who took the camera to such a remote place in 1937, must be a very very rich man. Who could imagine camera and especially a private one in those days.
Wow, I can’t believe that someone could get to such a remote place in Pakistan with a camera in that time.
I was excited to see what they saw in 1937. Alas no one in this video would be here with us!
Thanks for uploading my friend.
Can you please upload more such videos about Pakistan Northern areas, if you have?
That is really superb! I wanna know that do you have the same kind of “Teaching Films” on another culture, traditions, and area of the present pakistan??? If you have then we are anxiously waiting and hope to be uploaded soon.
thanks BFIfilms showing this vid, LONG LIVE HUNZA, LONG LIVE MACEDONIA, greetings for Macedonian brothers. we Hunzukutz have nothing in common with these punjabis and pathans of Pakistan who have destroyed our tourism sector in Hunza, cuz of bombings in our country.
We are proud of our forefathers where ever they came from,
Our Macedonian brothers and sisters. We have the most love for you and your ancestors.
That is great to see Hunza the real Hunza and hardworking people,,,Wawoooo
Proud to be a Huzukutz!!!!!!!!!
nice video about the Macedonians in Pakistan (kalashs & hunzas)!
Republic of Macedonia loves You!
Thankyou life in Hunza and gilget so many years ago is a pleasent surprise as i am a great admirer of these areas ,
these days there is a great debate of Greek and Mecedonien people sharing the origens of the inhabitents of Hunza ,Kalash ruled these areas long before the invading armies of Alexander .
Kalash 700 years ago were defeated by the upper chitral people and powerful alliance was kept between Chitral Gilget areas I hope people can enjoy these fresh Memories in search of ROOTS.
Great!!!! thanks for sharing this video…m from Hunza….
Great. I visited Hunza 9 years ago, and the Apricots are still as popular now, as in 1937.
its really amazin too lookin back into the lives of hunzukuz back in 40s … i jus wonder when i look at present hunza n hunza in ds film ,it has massivley changed alot … i wish if could travel be in to time be part of such a wonderful hassel free life …
thanx , thanx , thanx for BF films …
Wow watching this is awesome I am Pakistani and this is very beautiful never seen the country shown in this way.
Thanks BFI.
The Hunza valley is situated at an elevation of 2,438 metres (7,999 feet)!
That sure is a FBM!